Perplexedly, this morning BBC talent lists
Galloway, great British people’s defiant political animal,
drowned in a dilemma with bright eyes, joining Big Brother’s freaky carnivale.
Marauding honoured inductees, paid ridiculous fees, entering mediocrity’s far-reaching mists.
Sadly lacking top hat & doormouse in the house,
demented garden party guests comprising
mysterious unknown with big hips, ladies with big tits,
Alam, Lenska, Cross Dressing Rodman,
Maggot, and an embarrassing ladybloke with big lips for our top ENTERTAINMENT and rating hits.
Sadly although no William Theodor Herschel,
SEASON 1 L O S T SPOILERS B A N N E D BY THE INTERNET POLICEat least Galloway & BARRYMORE are controversial
for whilst aqua badgers frenzy on sight at vile attention whores,
think of the children, think of the children,
greedy claws rub…game, set and match
I smell a heist across dull street tops and tainted facts,
for as different audiences could think them incredibly famous,
the poor deluded lambs, an entertainment edition of lamest obscene acts.
Mercantile telephony scam of the darkest mission.
However, according to international law,
isn’t it New Zealand’s moral responsibility to hold a three week inquest,
discover all the facts, pray halt this televisual
rendition ?
Judgment and God’s wrath
will rehabilitate celebrity outcast liars,
prying young eyes and corporate crooks
providing deserved charity so cruel on cheese wires and hooks,
giving George last laugh.
Because, unless on first opportunity,
Blair and his tainted cronies move swiftly,
George unleash the fucking fury with clarity.
A poem by
the cloned corpse of Marcus Tal