Friday, February 24, 2006

The Ballad of Roger Singeon-Smythe

Random Musings are the way of us
To the potential uniqueness of each garlic clove
Hanging around their names
Humour, book and vocabulary...
These are the virtue of Roger Singeon-Symthe.

Seen in the daytime, Roger Singeon-Symthe
Come battle with Gustav Mahler
Rightly perhaps without the night bird I have turned the pages of a newspaper called Le Soir
Under the living lines that my cane and vocabulary project
For I am prepared for battle
For I strike this pose
Yet by honour
I am
Always yet bound by virtue

First, running, always personal
Usually is perhaps
Crouching like a hunting Tiger
Kobra, the enemy
Without the character of glass
It may be seemingly ineffective against conformity,
To many a mystery
To many a hero

A poem by the Cloned Corpse of Marcus Tal


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see you have chased off your scruffy friend with your blunt comment.

On Altrusia, we mask our insults with compliments.

Your blog is one of mystery Will Marshall.

Blogger the cloned corpse of marcus tal said...

Dear Enik,

Blunt since when are facts blunt. Fruitcakes come in many shapes and sizes. Have you not heard what the prophet David Icke says of them " Beware the Fruitcake, they move like Macaroons when your not looking"!

I wished not to cause offence. I hope the Scruffy one who works for the US Military is of not such a brittle disposition!

Kind Regards

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enik, quite nice. Throw out a little hook, and catch a whopper...

Scruffy in a nice, tight fitting camouflage green uniform? Hmmm??? Geez, I just assumed he worked for the Peace Corp?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Clone,

From what I read early on your blog, you say you work CIA, so that mean you and Scruffy work together or you Scruffy boss?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen the mast buckle and snap
Its moorings drilled through by the absence of truth
When sought in media musings
Without shame or honor

I am not the Captain of the Hunters
Neither do I scare by howlings in the mist
And darkness
Of days lost forever

Know me Cloned Corpse
For thy be without mysteries or dreams
For all the eons to come.

I have spoken before
But it is the bell that tolls who says
"Silence" -- as such!

(thinking out loud in narrative form)

Blogger the cloned corpse of marcus tal said...

Thank You Phantom Ted for this finally crafted opus.

I am honoured that you have recorded it for posterity within the anals of my site...

Thank You again

Kind Regards

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anals of my site (hee hee).

Anal... Ha ha haa ha ha

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Macaroon Wars are about to begin...

Whose side are you going to be on ?

Blogger the cloned corpse of marcus tal said...


if you want the TRUTH...

I will give you the truth in your hidden little space on my blog.

Will you be able to handle it ?

Kind Regards

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your it...

Blogger Russell CJ Duffy said...

the skin of the onion unravels and reveals....ROGER MOORE masquerading as some eyebrow camp Che Guvera type. what would the queen mother say if she were alive?

Blogger FP said...

Well Done. What more can one say?
Leaves one craving more....

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Strap on or gagball?"

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely fucking retarded. You're quite gay, yes?

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