Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Beeneyfer’s Trailer Trash - American Idol

Tales of his pointed suit
with her dreadlocks by the car
Should we bother listening to her
To truly appreciate it
One would have to be a tit
But I cannot shut up her frigging crap,
Out of Citizenship
Representatives of the night,
So ridiculous and dandy.
Might be useful, but not very handy

But by great Scruffy's beard
and no Fear in 2006 I wish
An American culture on a plate of anguish
It turns out this is also an irritation.
Behind a bunch of false gods served on a gilded dish
It thinks its birthright is to be incredibly cool
Their poor are cinematically unbathed
As a yellow brick road is paved

A Poem by the Cloned Corpse of Marcus Tal


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i relish thi.. a good read and i love knocking us americans!

Blogger the cloned corpse of marcus tal said...

Dear Walt

This more a commentary on the phenomenon of American Idol than a knock of our glorious American brothers and sisters.


The Cloned Corpse of Marcus Tal

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